Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March 19 - March 24.  Pensacola RV Park, Pensacola, FL

Foley, AL is only about 45 minutes from Pensacola, FL so we've back-tracked for a visit with our cousins Mary & Dan who live in Pensacola.  They've been part-time RVers for many years and they've been another great resource for some of our questions before we jumped into the RV pool.   They actually gave us many back issues of MotorCoach  and RV magazines that provided some good tips.  Did we mention that our cousin is a retired naval officer who was stationed all over the world during his career? 

Evelyn, Alexis, Mary & Dan

Evelyn and Alexis
 Mary & Dan welcomed us with  a wonderful dinner the night we arrived and invited their daughter Evelyn and granddaughter Alexis to join us.   We hadn't seen Evelyn since she was 5 years old and now she has a teenage daughter.  Way too many years since our last visit.  They also have a son, Dan Jr, who we've never met, but he and his family were under the weather during our visit and we weren't able to get to meet him this trip.

Jan with Bailey, Alexis with Angel and Bob

A "Blue Angels" jet
Early bi-plane

One of many jets hanging from ceiling
Jan & Mary touring
On Thursday (3/20) we toured the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola.  What a fascinating collection of Naval aircraft and we got to see an IMAX movie called The Magic of Flight about the Blue Angels.  We also heard that the Blue Angels were back in town after a show in California and would be doing practice runs on Tues (3/25) and Wed (3/26).  Sure wish we could have extended here to catch some of their practices, but we did find out that they'll be doing a show in Dayton, OH in late June.  Guess who's planning to take the coach on an outing to Dayton about that time?    After the museum, we had dinner at an Irish Pub  ---  Bob still had seafood and Jan had a burger.

Hanging "Blue Angels" jet display

Bob in the pilot's seat...ready for take off !
F-14 like we used to see in VA Beach

A stealth jet drone

Friday (3/21) we were able to see Fort Pickens and the beaches at Pensacola and then enjoy some fresh catfish at a local restaurant.  Dan kept hinting that he was working on a surprise and by Friday, we found out that he was planning (with our consent, of course) to get us a ride in a glider on Saturday.  The day was gorgeous and Jan went first for a 30-40 minute ride in a glider plane at about 3,500 feet.  It was totally awesome and then Bob got a chance to go.  The pilot was terrific and explained about air thermals and actually let Bob fly the glider for awhile.  WOW !!!!  During our rides, we chatted with the pilot and discovered that he'd gone to school at the Univ. of Michigan which is a school close to both of our hearts even though neither of us ever went to school there.  It's close to our childhood homes in Toledo, OH.   

Jan's ready to go . . .
Cockpit is closed and we're off!

Tow plane has the glider

We're coming back in to land

She sure looks happy !

Bob's turn

He's in the air

Dan is a Liturgical Assistant at his parish and assisted the priest during Saturday afternoon mass.  It  was extra special for us to be there and he requested that we bring up the gifts during the mass.  

Dan attending the altar after mass

The neighborhood gang out for an afternoon chat & beer
One of the nicest aspects of Dan and Mary's neighborhood is that they often gather in their street on nice afternoons (especially the guys).  Gives them a chance to chat and relax with a little beer.

We pulled out of Pensacola on Monday (3/24) headed for our next stop in Houston.

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