Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March 15 - March 19.  Bella Terra RV Resort - Foley, AL

Our blog has suffered while we've been out-and-about having a good time.  Since the pictures seem to take more time than the words, we've decided to take a new approach.  We'll try to keep things more timely by writing the words and letting everyone know where we are and then hopefully go back and add some pictures later on.

After an overnighter in northern Florida, we arrived at Bella Terra on Saturday afternoon.  Our friends, Kathy & Larry from New Jersey who are full-time RVers have been staying here and we've been anxious to see their new motorhome.  They traded in their 38' Tiffin Allegro RED coach for a Tiffin Allegro Bus 45' coach late in 2013.  Even though we've considered RVing for several years, they were most helpful in getting us started on this way of life. They were very patient with us when we asked a gazillion questions about the process and offered lots of guidance for selecting campgrounds that aren't too rustic.  There's roughing-it and then there's roughing-it!

They fixed a wonderful dinner for us the night we arrived and we got to meet good friends of theirs who are full-timers -- Kim and Christy.  Since St. Patrick's Day fell during our stay here, the resort held a potluck lunch with corned beef, cabbage and all the trimmings.   Of course, at dinnertime, we headed for a restaurant that served green beer.  We sure have been eating well on this trip.
Kim & Christy, Kathy & Larry, and Jan with their green beer
On Tuesday (3/18), we drove to Fort Morgan in southern Alabama.  The fort was built in 1833 and has been used during 4 wars....Civil War, Spanish-American War and WWI and WWII.  We had a wonderful afternoon of exploring the old fort and being amazed at how much of it is still standing.  Jan found herself wondering if her great-grandfather, who served in the Spanish-American War, had ever spent time at Fort Morgan. 

One of the cannons at Fort Morgan

A view of part of the fort from above

The entrance tunnel to the interior of the fort

Better view of the tunnel

One of the walls

Inside the fort

Another view inside the fort

A view out one of the windows

From the interior courtyard

Does this look like two faces staring at you?

Jan walking in the tunnel

One of the passage ways

The interior entrance to the fort

Our favorite photographer

 After our tour of the fort, we joined Kathy, Larry, Christy & Kim for another fine meal!  Most of our dinners were at seafood restaurants and the food was delicious !

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